My man Tom and other assorted ravings...

In category:Sex
Post by:FlyingTim

Just to put in my two cents on the drink issue..I'm perfectly happy to be drinking Coca-Cola. Thank God we live in a country that allows to drink engine degreaser. As an American and a gearhead, I say Hear! Hear! to Coca-Cola and all its yummy chemicals. I can only imagine the wonders that delicious elixir is doing to prevent me from getting any form of cancer the world can think up. Try me bitch, I drink Coke Classic.

On a slightly less patriotic note, I heartily agree with all the positive things being said about my new friend, Mr. Tom Collins. Tommy C. deserves a posthumous nobel proze for his efforts in the field of Drinkery. The man is a legend. Plain and simple.

Pappy was down here over the weekend and was telling Caniprokis and myself the tale of a gentleman who's last girlfriend was one he never met. It would seem that he was involved in an on-line relationship. Now, as one who has been involved in a couple these in my sordid and somewhat pathetic internet life, I can say that I never considered these trysts to be real. What I mean to say is, those girls and women that I talked to I would never have considered a girlfriend. I never set out to find a girlfriend from Timbuktu, nor would I have passed up a real date with a real person for fear of cheating on my internet girlfriend. I would like to hear some other opinions on the matter of On-Line relationships. So please do. Thank you and drive safely.

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