
In category:Misc
Post by:Sapphire

SWEET Holy balls of Christ! The PORN, oh...the PORN. It it burns.  My eyes they want you say...shrink back into the sockets of the skull, of the cranium.  Crawl back into their little homes in my domus maximus, and close up shop.  Haha, anywayz...I just wanted to post to say, I am now in business. The Insult bizness.  Also, now that everyone is back @ school or back in City of Angels, I want to say: Have fun, hardly work and play safe till next we can all meet again.

Oh more thing.  The following warning has been sponsored by...The septagenarians that have been overcharged by LioConvoy:  "To all the they hairy-eared, brittle-boned, or feeble of hearing. We are All equal in the fact that we are...HIGHLY disturbed and EXCEEDINGLY appalled, that our breasts of fried chicken are no longer safe!  NO LONGER do these fried breasts melt sweetly in our mouths, even after minutes of other people chewing them and regurgitating them for our pleasure. BECAUSE...because We as Old people can be taken advantage of.  We can be...*dramatic pause* Overcharged!!! The outrage...FOUR dollars and ninety cents to be exact.  You know back in my day, what we could do with..."  *a LioConvoy berserker yell sounds from somewhere* *Muffled sounds of old people stuffed into burlap sacks and beaten*  "Sorry for the disturbance, we now continue with our scheduled program, Matlock Goes to Manhattan."

Haha..."It Begins..."

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