Music, My anti-Drug

In category:Music
Post by:Caniprokis

So last night i get a call the the infamous Paul to come down to the garage after work and jam with him TJ and JT. AWESOME i love playing drums. like really, its better than anything else in the world, better than sex, better than getting high better than money.....welll....yeah its better than money. i just wish i could play more often because it really makes me happy. ive been jamming with TJ on guitar which has been cool, but as much as i like to think i can play guitar and i can sing, really im a drummer and thats where i truely and honestly shine. i havent even solidly played since i came back from LA but i sat down last night and i was playing like ive been praticing 3 timed a week. granted my arms were a little tired from being out of shape, and my wrists hurt like a mother fucker this moring but for the most part i was kicking some serious asss and laying down some great grooves. i hope i can find a place to pratice soon because im never truely as happy as when i get to play. like i had to come to work this moring at 8 and i dont even care because i got to play last night, nothing matters when i know ive played.

i am the little drummer boy perr rumm pumm pumm pumm


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