More Human Cloning Stuff...

In category:Politics
Post by:LioConvoy

Well ya know you make some valid points Gatekeeper. But I still believe all cloning should be legal. I mean... You make the point about adoption... and I completely agree that there are plenty of children out there that need good homes. But it takes years and many thousands of dollars to adopt a child. Not to mention that there are certain people out there that wouldn't feel right raising a child they know isn't theirs. I myself don't think I could adopt a child if it turned out I couldn't have children. I don't think I could do it.

Then there's the issue of cloning individual people. This type of technology would be expensive and unfeasible to do on a consumer level. Besides it would just be like having an identical twin, only several years younger than yourself. So what? Are identical twins inherently evil? That's what Bush is stating.

Then there was Gatekeeper's comment about the positive aspect of cloning individual organs. Everyone agrees this would be fantastic. But what no one understands is that we need to develop and refine human cloning technology before we can reach the level of understanding that would allow us to do this. If it's banned, we will never reach this level of technology. Or what's worse is that someone else will and not use it for the benevolent means we have. Food for thought...

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