More Details on the MegaKegger

In category:Leisure
Post by:LioConvoy


First off let's stop the playa hatin'...

Second off... I have more details on the Megakegger. It appears it will be a small occasion with tops 20 people over. The beer on tap will be Rolling Rock, anything else is byob. Keys will be taken at the door. If you're sober at the end of the night you can have them back, otherwise you can crash in the filth hole or find a ride home (should you want to bring a designated driver you may). We have bedding here, but if you don't trust my bedding you're welcome to bring your own. We're gonna have about four pizzas to eat. The date again is Friday the 29th, this upcoming friday. The festivities should start around 6, and will go on well into the next morning. Hope to see you all there. oh yeah, Gatekeeper, should you get done over at your sisters, you're welcome to drop by things should be kickin' till at least 4 am.

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