More Cravings...

In category:Food
Post by:LioConvoy

Hey folks...
First off I want to thank you all, especially Gatekeeper, for the wonerful words of encouragement I've received from all of you in my choice to pursue the Atkins' diet. It's starting to really work, I'm noticing loose skin on my body and loose clothing... unfortunately I've yet to find a scale manly enough to measure my heft up here (i'm well over 300 lbs.) so i can't tell exactly how much weight I'm losing, but I can tell that I am, and I guess that makes all the difference.

The cravings are getting less and less too... but I still get them. So I was thinking that a good way of getting rid of them, is by writing them down here.

1.) Sprite - This is my signature drink, and I honestly think I was addicted to it seeing as how this is the one thing I crave the most.

2.) Ben & Jerry's - Jerry's Jubilee - this brownie and cherry ice cream is like an orgasm and my birthday rolled into one.

3.) Jesus Juice - This variety of Gatorade (also known as anything with "fierce" on the bottle)is good, but it's not so much the flavor i miss as much as the experience of getting the craving for it at midnight, then walking down to the local Uni-Mart to get some.

4.) Cherry Pie Filling - This is not something I normally eat, but today at work, I saw a GINORMOUS container of it, and all I wanted to do was sit down with a spoon and eat the fuck out of it.

5.) D.P. Dough - These fast food calzones are fantastic, and they deliver.

6.) Pizza of any kind - I used to eat pizza 3-4 times a week... this has been a major life change.

That's it really... No other cravings.

Till All Are One

LioConvoy out...

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