
In category:Music
Post by:FlyingTim

Well, since I haven't made a post of any substance in a while, I guess I'll write a little something about a subject that's near and dear to my heart: Music.

Music has an odd effect on me, and others, I assume. It makes you remember things. Not just remember things, re-experience them. I was listening to The Dead, Eyes of the World, the other day. And it reminded of the first time I heard that song, the local high school band, Zamboni, I think the were then, were playing it on the stage in the auditorium on the last day of school my sophomore year. I remember sitting there, by myself, absorbing the sound. I remember I had a big grin on my face. It was ill.

Then, I was listening to The Dead, again, this time is was a Dylan cover, Visions of Johanna, off of the Fallout from the Phil Zone live compilation album. This was from '95, I think, but that doesn't matter. I listened to the song a lot when I was a Junior in High School, especially from November to January. That was when I thought I was seeing that cunt from Guilford (Aren't they all) and she ruined the song for me for a long time. I used to listen to it over and over, when I was upset, cause it's long, and its chill, and Dylan's lyrics made sense to me then. Then I stopped listening to it for a long, long time. And that's what that song reminds me of, everytime, without fail.

Steve Miller Band: Take the Money and Run. This tune reminds me of the summer after my senior year, when I was working at the parts store. WHCN was the only station Nellie, the old blue delivery truck got, so that's what I listened to. And that song was always on. I remember driving down Meadow Street on my way to the warehouses, with my phat State Cop shades, rolling the window down to let the hot air out of the cab. That song was also playing the day I was coming back, the same summer, the same truck, through East Haven. The truck stalled in the middle of rush-hour traffic, while I was changing lanes. That was fun.

Phish: Reba. Off of Lawn Boy. My aunt bought this for me for my birthday the summer after my freshman year. I was on the swim team, and it became apparent that listening to Phish was a requirement. So I did. (More on that later) I remember listening to this song on my shitty little CD player in my bedroom, on a summer evening, thinking, damn, this is one weird song. But I listened to the whole tune, about 10 minutes worth, and it's still one of my favorite songs.

Phish: Golgi Apparatus. I bought Junta in Florida, my freshman year, when I was in Ft. Lauderdale in with the swim team. Steve Malarny told me to. So I did. I got back to my room and threw it on the same shitty little CD player, and went to track 4, Golgi Apparatus. I was listening to it, thinking that it was one awesome fucking song, and PV=NRT and Steve came in, and started listening to it. They both knew the tune, and then they both started to play air guitar and shit. That stands out in my head.

The Allman Brothers Band: Jessica. I was listening to this tune on my discman, on the first day of choir my sophomore year. I came in and sat down next to this kid with blond hair who looked like a cabbage patch kid. He sat there for a minute, then asked me what I was listening to. I told him Jessica, thinking that he'd have no idea what song I was talking about. Instead, he said, "That song doesn't have any words." Haha...that one took me by surprise. And it also started my friendship with wils0n.

Lots of musical memories at high school, like listening to the Ass Ponys in the original PappyMobile, with Pappy and wilson, the Hyundai, not the Subaru. But let's move forward a bit. The summer after my senior year, me and Pappy and wilson went to see Phish in maine, and whenever I hear Harry Hood, I think of the glowsticks in the dark.

And some memories are linked to lots of songs. Take for instance, The Grateful Dead's Europe '72 album. That album, one disc or the other, was in my dar discman when I was at Umass. And I'd listen to it when I drove home for the weekend, or came back up, or something like that.

Some songs, I don't know the name of, or who sang them, like that re-mix, re-sample of A Hard Knock Life. I went to a formal with a friend of mine who goes to Uconn, and I stayed the night on the floor of her dorm room, and her roommate constantly played that fucking song, while I was trying to sleep. Christ, it still pisses me off to hear that goddam song.

In the same vein, that fucking song, Put it in your Mouth. The first time I heard it at Umass, I thought it was goddam hilarious, and Pappy liked it a whole lot too, because he'd put it on repeat and listen to it over and over, and I started to hate it, which made him play it more. Then he ripped a CD with only that song on it, and would bring it in the car.

And if we really fast forward, we come to Poe, Hey Pretty. Kate listend to that song constantly, over this winter break, and I can't listen to it anymore.

Well, there's lots more, and if I think of them, I'll post them. But it's already tomorrow, and I have to get up early for work tomorrow. Later p33ps, Mayor TA out.

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