Monsters, Inc. and last night

In category:Journal
Post by:Levres

I don't like it when I'm invited to go some place, thinking I'll have a normal evening and then everyone else but me shows up high. Have you ever been around a bunch of drunks when you weren't drinking? Maybe it's funny in the beginning, but then it gets old. I mean, I can deal with it if I know that's what's going to happen, but if it's a surprise, yes, it makes me mad. Like I said, it's like being with people that are drunk when you expected to just spend a nice normal night with them. Sometimes, I'll deal with it, but sometimes I'd rather just stay home and wait til they sober up and see them tomorrow. That's why I would just like to know. Maybe I'm a bitch, I don't care.

Anyway, I went to see Monsters, Inc. last night with Wilson. Pappy was supposed to go, but he's ridiculous and won't ride in my car and he never ended up showing up. Oh well. It was a good movie. I really liked it a lot. I think I liked it better than Shrek. There was a short little thing before the movie started and it was pretty cute. I'm a fan of Pixar movies. What else have they done? Toy Story 1 and 2, A Bugs Life, Monsters Inc. Am I forgetting anything? Those were all great movies.

I probably seemed mad when I went to pick up Wilson. Maybe I was. Maybe I wanted to go to the 9:00 show like I had been planning all night. Maybe I didn't like the prospect of hanging out with a bunch of high kids who can't take anything seriously when all I'd be able to think about is all the crap that I have to get done. Maybe I think it's ridiculous and quite insulting that Pappy won't ride with me, that he'd rather take his own car. Sorry if I put a damper on your mood though.

Here's a funny thing about stupid people. We are them too. I'm sure that some video store guy, or some librarian, or some gas station attendant, or someone has a story about a stupid person and it's about you. We've all done stupid things, and I'm sure we've all done thing stupid enough for other people to remember and make a story out of it. Hopefully, there aren't too many stories about any one of us out there.

I can't wait until Thanksgiving. I need a break from this place, from this work, from this food. I need to see my family again, get a home cooked feast, it'll be great. I think it's pretty shitty that our lovely institute of higher learning sees no need to give us Wednesday off. Thanksgiving break starts at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, meaning if you do have classes unless your professor is sane, realizes no one is going to come anyway, and cancels them. Bah, I'm not looking forward to going to classes on Wednesday, but I am oh so looking forward to going home.

I'm also really looking forward to Christmas this year. I have a few things in mind for Wilson's gift and I really think he's going to like them. I can't wait for that warm and fuzzy feeling give someone a gift that they really wanted and that they really like and you can see the excitement all over their face. Know what I mean? I just wish I had the money to buy all the things that I am going to buy anyway. I hate being in so much debt like this -- especially since there is no reason for it. I mean, I don't have school loans or anything like that. I have thousand of dollars in credit card debt and nothing to show for it. Oh well, that's life. It will all work out I'm sure.

Happy Thanksgiving all.

1212 Out.

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