Missing the point

In category:People
Post by:wilson

I think you're all missing the fucking point. What is good to one person is not necessarily good to another. Does this make something suck? To the person who doesn't like it, sure. To the person who likes it? Not really. Popular opinion doesn't mean a damn in terms of shows that AREN'T ON THE FUCKING AIR anymore. Sure, it may have mattered when ratings mattered, and maybe public opinion drove some of these shows off the air (YOU GREEDY FUCKERS, I HOPE YOU ENJOYED ROC AND MARTIN AND OH, GOOD GOD DAMN, ROC LIVE).

Anyhow, you can't fucking make a science out of this shit, who cares if the acting was bad, or the plot was ass, or blah blah blah? It's not going to make me stop loving thundercats, or get a life, or fucking cabin boy for that matter. I like it because I like it, and nothing you judgemental fucks say will change that.

And as for Calliander, he's only saying that he likes Transformers because LioConvoy does, and likes to lie. Lies constantly.. Just lies, lies, lies lies. That fucking easter story was cock-bashing lies. No one buys this shit. Playing the devils advocate, yadda, yadda, yadda. You can't say shit about shit you know nothing about! Like I'm going to fucking bow down to into another, or incubus, or fucking fugazi just because Calliander says it is good? No. Will I consider thinking it is good? Possibly. Do I expect any of you to like the music that I listen to? Not really. Does this matter to me? No. The only reason this would matter is if I gave a shit about what other people think about the music I listen to, or the shows I watch. I do this shit for me, it gets ME off. The shit I do isn't for some fucking image, its because I like it, period. What I watch/listen to/do becomes who I am, but I do not become these things.

For the love of fuck, people, if you have no fucking clue about drugs or the effects thereof, please don't fucking talk about them... It's annoying and more than that extremely telling, in a bad way.

Lastly, Calliander, you're the last one to be calling us posers.. Christ, how quickly I see you assimilate the ideas, notions and personalities of those around you into your persona. It's not just you, of course, but you jumped ugly and started throwing around names, so you recieve the lambasting...You might also consider telling your sister to swallow less.. I think we all know a certain person who swallowed all the time and got HUGELY FAT by the end of senior year.. you know, that chick with the funny named that was always banging that really metal kid who had the leather jacket before they were cool again. I think she was always giving head while sitting on the toilet in the mens bathroom in A hallway. classy!

People worrying about fitting into a niche, or doing things that other people do, are worse than the people who go and do things just because other people do them. They're worse because while they are TRYING to not be what they fear, they BECOME what they fear, and there's nothing worse than being what you hate, not realizing it, and futially attempting to not be that thing. Make sense of that!


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