mind versus body

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

Everyone pretty much accepts the fact that their mind is often faster than their body. There are a few cases that the mind's speed causes you to change your mind while carrying out a thought.

Sometimes I get quite displeased with the way I can function. I base time estimates on how long it should take, not long long I can do it in. Can anyone do it as fast as it should be? No. Yet I continue to find myself disappointed at how poorly the days events can be played out.

Everyone pretty much has conceded the fact that baseball is boring as fuck. Those of you who actually sat through the entire Yankees game really needs to go fucking do something else. I didn't watch it at all, I just saw the scores periodically. How could you sit through those hours in front of the TV. Now, if you were there in person, its different. Anyway.. I was off my train of thought there. Oh yea.. my day sometimes feels like an extra extra long baseball game, and I'm one of the poor schmucks sitting there watching. Yet I also feel like there arent enough hours in the day. I am not trying to say that I think my days are boring.. but they are at times.. like.. when I am at work. When I am at work, I do a tiny segment of a really long task. I know I just need to keep working on my task and I will one day be done. And every day, I re-estimate the amount of time left. Periodically I think back to an estimate I made and realize today would be the day I would be done and onto something new.

Fortunately I am not working on one task. I have three primary tasks I work on simultaneously. Still, sometimes I only get to ONE in the day. These are real long tasks. Some are about to finish their second and third year of being active tasks. Imagine how sick of them I am.

Yea. So.. thats all. Oh no. Insult will have its new 'look' later this week. I am sure many people will hate it. So don't worry, you'll be able to continue using this 'look' as well.

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