Mike, yer a retard…

In category:Drugs
Post by:LioConvoy

Meh... Don't you hate it when you're making a valid argument, with some decent points, and someone comes in with a similar argument and makes you look like an asshole. I agree with Mikey on several points here. I have long maintained that the war on drugs (primarily Marijuana) should be ended sheerly for economic purposes. We would save hundreds of millions on law enforcement and incarcerating minor drug offenders. Tax-wise it would be an economic boon. Marijuana costs nearly nothing to grow, it can be grown practically anywhere, and people are already used to paying inflated prices for it because they have to get there weed through illegitimate channels. If legalized you would see legitimate horticulturists growing premium brands for large prices and even more taxes. It could be properly liscensed and regulated, and generate even more tax revenue. That is where Mike and I see eye to eye.

Now, to paraphrase a line from Mike's post: "YOU are a liar (YOU meaning Mike)" Just fess up to it. You don't have a sense of superiority over marijuana users because an article in the NY Times online told you you were right. You have a sense of superiority over marijuana users because you are a douche bag. Because all of the kids in high school who were having more fun than us used marijuana and you have never grown past that and been able to say "whatever makes them happy." It's ok to have these feelings, most of us are douche bags who were dumped on in high school too... that's why we are friends. Just fess up to it.

I'm sure if you asked most Marijuana smokers why they want weed legalized they would say "So I can smoke it and not get arrested", or at least that would be the reasonable base line "Well, DUH!" reason that's so fucking obvious it doesn't even need mentioning. Aside from seeing your stray NORML weirdo on a random primetime news magazine, don't believe I've ever encountered anyone who's said something to the effect of "Weed has, like, 102 uses!" or "If weed were legal it would end our dependency on foreign oil". It's like you're working with some bigoted idea of what a pothead is and you think everyone who smokes weed is that.

Now as for your thoughts (or lack thereof) on the addictiveness of pot. Now most conventional medical wisdom points to the fact that marijuana is not PHYSICALLY addictive. As for it's mentally addictive properties... anything can be mentally addictive. I masturbate... CONSTANTLY. Does that mean I'm physically addicted to yanking my pud? NO... but it would be hard for me to stop. Now we have many friends who smoke weed. Many for years... but look at Spo. After his split with Holly he used smoke... a lot... for months. But eventually he just stopped. Same for me. There were a few months back in college where I smoked 3-4 times a week, until it started giving me seizures. Did I have to lock myself in my room while I fought off hallucinations of dead babies crawling on the ceiling? No, I just stopped.

Your comments lack the validity that "Reefer Madness" had in speaking out against pot, and quite frankly, are just insulting to many of our friends. Normally we take your bullshit comments with a grain of salt and say "That's just Mike being Mike.", but I think you stepped over a line here and owe some people an apology.

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