Merry Christmas

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Well, It is Christmas. Its a fun holiday. I was woken up real early tho.. and I don't really believe in taking naps, so I have been up since very early and wont get to bed till late probably.

In my family, the day starts with the opening of presents. Then we have breakfast. Then we lounge, play with toys, etc. My little brother (he's almost 12) got a xbox, and I bought him the Simpson's Roadrage game.. good game. Been playing it quite a bit. Santa was nice and got him the xbox package with Tony Hawk 2x and some other games and an extra controller.. nice package.. and I think my other brother, his friend, and I have gotten more use out of it. My little brother also got a telescope (given by my other brother).. which I played with until I got a headache.

It sort of sucks to be too old for the fun toys, but then again, if they were mine I probably would ignore them more and I really wouldn't be playing with it all that much. The telescope would be cool to have if I had something to look out at from my apartment.. unfortunately my apartment is like 4 feet below ground level and people usually close their blinds across the way anyway...

So right now it is 3:30pm.. I'm yawning. Soon tho, we have family friends coming over who will share xmas dinner with us. That's always fun cuz that is when the beer starts to flow. My brother gave me a frosted simpson's beer mug. Interesting simpson's theme.. unplanned and random. But who doesnt like the simpsons. My brother also gave me a drinking game book, which I am going to share part of online I think, because some look pretty neat.

Unfortunately I have a bit of a dilema.. I am exhausted.. totally and utterly exhausted. The other problem is I have a tonne of work to do. And fixing exhaustion doesnt mean sleep for 12 hours straight. It means sleep a good 9 hours a night for several nights. I think I'll hold off on the sleep for a bit and get the much needed work done.

I'm going to california next week.. gonna visit Preacherman and tour the west coast. Will be in vegas on the 8th for several days too. Hopefully I can figure out a way to rest up while I'm out there. We'll see I guess. This trip is my xmas gift from the parents. Would be a cooler surprise gift, but its a hard thing to make a surprise. Ah well, it doesnt matter.. I really want to go.

So, my blabbing is pointless. I guess I'm feeling a bit bored.. don't really have a tv to watch or anything. I guess I'm going to go find some socks to wear cuz it is FUCKING FREEZING.

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