Merry Christmas

In category:Life
Post by:GatekeeperTDS

Sometimes I wonder why I was brought into this world with the set of parents that I currently have. I just got through one of the worst Christmas Eves that I've ever experienced. Well, only about an hour of it was bad. Luckily my dad and step mom did their best to make it nice, and they succeeded. I just don't know why my mother can't get the mental help she so badly needs...sigh...

Anyway, it really was great to see all of you guys the other night. At first I wasn't going to go, but then I decided that it would be rude to refuse Pappy's wonderful invitation, and honestly, I was looking forward to it. And even though Boof was there, I know we all had a kick ass time.

And really, I'm glad to see that everyone's been doing so well for themselves. And if I must say, all of you seem to have grown up a lot since our high school days. I really enjoyed all of your company, and I hope you thought the same of me. And I hope one specific person (you know who you are) realized that the online personality of the "Gatekeeper" isn't what's really there in "real life". I'm glad one of my good friends found someone like you to be with, so please, treat each other right and stay together for a long, long time. I enjoy seeing people as happy as you two are with each other.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. Lio, I must apologize. I cannot make it to the MegaKegger. Friday night will be the only time I can get together with both of my sisters, which is a rare occasion I can't pass up. I hope you understand. But absolutely let me know about any future gettogethers over the break and I'll be sure to clear my calendar. Anyway, I'm tired. Goodnight.

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