Memory Lane (Part 3)

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

I left off somewhere in 7th grade last time. I am starting to get fuzzy in terms of 7th and 8th grade. Seventh grade was the year of my first kiss, and the first time I held a girl.. like.. I hadn't really even had any real hugs prior to 7th grade. I mean.. I liked school dances because they meant holding girls and usually ended up in kissing.

Seventh was sorta tough in that I had developed a crush for a girl who had a crush for JeffM. But, I liked her and I even tried to help them along in terms of hooking up. I found out five or six years later that she actually had a crush on me the whole fucking time. Gah. Anyway.. I was becoming more and more of a geek every day. I started going on BBSs a LOT more and would get out of class to go fuck around with the computers (many teachers didn't really know mORE was gone so they wouldnt really take note if I left).

I was quite an asshole in 7th grade.. FlyingTim and Spo were the two kids who were good friends and fitted the more stereotypical nerd profile. Both wore glasses back then, would laugh a lot about odd thigns.. snickering, etc.. even tho they were both sports fans (Yankees I think) and stuff.. they got made fun of a lot by my 'friends'. I actually won a bet thanks to Spo or FlyingTim... I bet a tiny bit of money that one of them was going to pick their nose on the way back to class after lunch.. and it happened.

For some reason I started drifting more and more from Stone. By the end of 7th grade, we pretty much were not friends anymore. I saw myself becoming more of a geek and didn't want to be treated like the way the other kids treated the smart kids like Stone... so I had to join them full on... by not being friends with Stone. I am still sorry about that, but what's done is done.

This led to one of the loneliest summers I had, but I was sent to summer camp.for a week out of the summer. This was a real good thing because I was one of six guys in the group at summer camp, and there were forty some odd girls. Of course, there was one guy that all the girls fawned over (and that wasn't me of course). But I was still given quite a bit of attention, and since it was the 'thing' to do every evening, I still got to go make out in the outdoor chapel thing.. but on the other hand it sucked.. I still was too young to appreciate being around that many girls for a week.. and girls are loud when in groups... so it sucked in that respect.

When 8th grade started, I was in the same classes as Stone again.. I actually sat behind him. When I started talking to him again, it felt like we had been not friends for years... eventually we became friends again.

FlyingTim was in some of my classes too.. and sat a couple of chairs away from me in English class. I sat between ErinM and KristyH.. FlyingTim sat on the other side of ErinM. The four of us were often grouped for projects and such.. although more often it was just ErinM, KristyH, and I in a group.. we did a video at some point for something and stuff...

By this point, I had also gotten to know Wilson as well via BBSing... I hadn't really met him in real life though.. Calliander started going onto boards too, although I had known him through AJ... he was the weird scrawny kid with the Nintendo Power T-Shirt. If you had a video game question, you asked him. I have no idea why he was never beaten up in middle school.

All through middle school I ended up being sort of an errand boy. Teachers would make me run errands, and so would students because I was never questioned when going around. I'd relay information/things to kids in ISS (in-school-suspension), and do all sorts of stuff. I sort of abused my ability to roam freely, but it didn't get me into too much trouble.

So, when 8th grade was winding down I could not wait for high school. I was anxious to have real freedom. I ended the school year being pretty close friends with Qava, tight with Stone, but not real close to anyone else anymore. I hated most of my other classmates because they were all cocksuckers. I still don't understand why people made such a huge deal when a girl's purse would get knocked over and a tampon would fall out.. or in gym class why people made such a huge deal if you could only do one pullup. Like.. so few kid could even do ONE.. why yell at me for only doing one.

Remember how they used to open the gym early in the morning to let kid splay basketball? I hated basketball, but people were often short a man so I'd often get dragged into playing defense.. which meant me simply knocking the ball away from anyone with it... ya know.. i really had no idea how basketball works, and no one really explained it to me.. I was given a simple task, and i tended to do it quit well... just.. so what if I knock the ball away from my own team mates? Like I know which kid is on which team.

One thing I don't remember that i'm told I should remember is teaching French to 6th graders. I did that with one of the trumpores i guess.. wouldnt i remember something like that?

Remember field day in 7th or 8th grade? The Larry Rogers vs FlyingTim fight? I video taped that. I wish I had a copy. Bah.. It was so funny to watch them go at it... heh.. I wish I could remember why that happened.

Anyway, I'm wasting time which should be spent sleeping. Nite.

to be continued..

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