Memory Lane (Part 2)

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

I should be going to bed, but I felt I should add to my last post.

I am going to skip the rest of grade four because I don't really have much else to say about it. Oh wait.. girls. That was the year I had my first two crushes. One was a girl who sat next to me.. I thought she was wonderful. The other girl, I would see around.. I had no idea who it was.. until years later I guess.

So, fifth grade.. this was the year that everyone re-divided again. We all were shuffled into seperate classes, and people started to make different friends. I stayed friends with one of the Trumpores, and Jeff and a few other folks.. but none were friends with eachother. So I had my school friends, and my neighborhood friend (singular.. Jeff was the only kid my age on the street). BOP was gone, and in middle school the program was called MORE (or was it MOORE?).

Er, I wont go year by year on this because it's too difficult to seperate right now. Basically.. in fifth grade I built up friendships, but I really moved around between groups. I was basically part of multiple groups of friends.. one set actually hated the other..

Lunch time was when the shit really went down. Lunch tables were messed up. I changed lunch tables soooo frequently. I was closest to Stone than anyone else at school.. but Stone has already been classified as a nerd/dork. In 5th and 6th grade I sat with the Trumpores and the crew around them.. both of them were on the fence as far as dorks go. On one hand, they were into dorky things, but on the other they were into mountain biking (even then) and hockey and other things. Also, they lived in the same neighborhood as all the 'popular' kids.

In the mornings, we would all sit in the locker bays of the middle school waiting for them to flash the lights signaling the start of classes. In 6th grade the 'thing' was rolling of pant legs.. tight rolling actually. It was stupid, but everyone did it. Tight rolling pants and using only one strap of your backpack were the cool things to do.

In sixth grade I started to get to know the class badass.. the kid who fought all the time, swore at the teacher, and stuff.... Qava.

Sixth grade was the last year of MORE because the town cut the funding for it. After that, I had lost quite a bit of the freedom I had of being in the program.. it used to give me a free pass to go wherever I wanted and do whatever I wanted and not do any work. So 7th grade was tough.

I was already a long way down the geek road... which I really got onto in 2nd grade. By the end of 4th grade (the year the rumour went around Michael Jackson was coming to visit our school.. fucking rude asshole starting that rumour.. bah) I had played with phone couplers and messed around with a bulletin board. I really didn't go hardcore until 6th grade or so. By 7th, i was starting to step further down the road to oblivion. I was still friends with the Trumpores, but my relationship with Stone was thinning.


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