
In category:Life
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

I can't fucking sleep and it fucking sucks, I'm tired of laying in bed awake so I give up, I'm up for the day, fuck me. First I'll say that what I said about Lio thinking Clinton was horrible was a joke, I was looking for a segway to trash on Clinton myself because I hate him so much. Now I'll put a little bit of a different twist on the whole memories thing, I'll give a recap of all the posters I met before the end of high school.

I'll start with the first one, FlyingTim. He and I met in Kindergarten and were best friends all the way up until the middle of highschool, when we started making friends with new people and drifted apart. Thankfully he hangs out at Aaron's now though, so I get to hang with him and play RPG's and other cool shit.

Calliander and I have had a relationship that is totally bipolar, for a couple years we're best friends then we have a fight and aren't friends for a while then we make up, ect ect ect. In 6th grade we were good friends, then we had a fight because he thought Roc was a fantastic show and I thought it sucked ass, then we made up because we both had fun making fun of the Trumpores in French class (I still hope those wrinkly bastards fall off a cliff), then we had another fight because he got a Super Nintendo and I considered that selling out, then we became friends again in math class and had fun watching Tom Perillo and Blood throw shit. Then we drifted apart when he started hanging out all the time with Lio, who I thought was a stuck up spoiled little rich kid prick and made fun of my spo fro all the time. Then we were friends again in high school when my table with FlyingTim and Wilson and Seeds (niuhhhhhhhh) somehow blended with his and I just about instantly at that time became tight with Lio as well. Things were awesome for a while, then we went to Eastern together and the stress of living together in a 4 ft by 7 ft hole for 6 months nuked things once again, then after about 6 months we were great friends again, and so on and so forth. I'm too tired to come up with a witty analogy to close this one with.

Stone and me are like Ryu and Ken, we've been good friends ever since 3rd grade but we're both so fiercely competitive that we've always been trying to beat each other in something and the result was usually that we both got better at what we were competing in, then got bored and moved on to something else. It used to get pretty fierce at times but now we're both older and realize that it's all in good fun, so it only really manifests when we're playing fighting games for 5 hours while Lio yells "Turn that fucking thing off!". Once Capcom starts putting out online fighting games it's gonna get mad hardcore.

Ok I'm too tired to keep going, I'm going to try to go back to bed for a few hours so I'll finish this at another point in time

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