meh... dammit

In category:Journal
Post by:LioConvoy

Ya know... Why does life seem to enjoy kicking you in the balls? I mean, I go and have a wonderful break... I mean good times, saw friends, got closure with the DemonQueen, and I even have a potential girlfriend on the horizon. But then break ends. And I'm here again. Fuck.

The ride back was treacherous. We came home in blizzard conditions. About 25 miles short of reaching Penn State we make a stop at a truck stop. The bus driver gets on the PA and tells us that "the only road going into State College is closed, I've been commanded to come back to Philly. You can stay here at the Truck stop and try to arrange your own ride home, or you can come back to Philly and Greyhound will send you to state college in the morning." Well, I was stranded either way. It was either spend the night in Philly, a shithole where I know no one, or spend the night in a truck stop 25 miles away from school, where I could possibly get a ride home from Red or my roommate Nick. I chose to stay at the truck stop. I got into contact with Nick. He said he could get me at about 9AM the next morning. So, I settled into a little corner of the truckstop, and there I sat for 5 hours. Around midnight the road was cleared and some busses headed to State College came into the truck stop. I managed to hitch a ride with them, and finally got in at about 1AM. And to top it all off... I forgot my keys at home.

My classes seem ok. I have a hebrew history class... doesn't seem too irritating. Marketing classes are marketing classes... same old same old. Of course there is my women's studies class... fucking diversity requirements. I swear... the class is full of feminazis and whiny crybaby sensitive males. We got on the subject of school sports, a subject I honestly don't give a sweet baby's dick about. I swear, this one motherfucker nearly broke into tears when he was talking about how his high school wouldn't let him on the girls badminton team. Geh... I hate this school... sooner I graduate the better.

'Til all are one...

LioConvoy out...

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