Meeting people

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

I am horrible at meeting people. I suck at remembering names. I also never hear names correctly. If I take an immediately liking to a person, I will remember their name.. but its not so common. Or if the name is unique/odd. This is all provided I hear it.

So, the first week of the fall semester is overwhelming for me. I meet all these people.. and we all exchange names. At the ned of the day, I don't know who is who. This makes me feel embarassed so I end up avoiding using their name.

I also tend to not meet folks because I suck at it. I didn't venture away from my floor this year to meet people, and I wish I did because people on teh 2nd and 4th floor seem cooler.

It was pointed out to me today that my floor is comprised of cliques... like in high school. I had sort of noticed it, but never really thought about it. She is right tho. There are several cliques and they don't mix too much. You have the two hot roommates who surround themselves with a few guys and act like princesses all the time. You have a large group of people who I can't classify. They are average people I guess. Then there is another group of girls, the asian group, and thats that. The rest of the folks are individuals who don't mix with the cliques or eachother too much. That is where I am, along with several other folks. I also don't really want to hang out on my floor.. I spend too much time in my room.

I dunno..

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