May as well join the fun

In category:Music
Post by:Pappy

I'm here at work waiting for some shit to compile, so I figure I'll add to the musical memory conversation. I still havent finished my memory lane stuff, I will later.

I have a bad memory, so it's nice that music will bring memories to mind. Smells do the same.

Some songs I wish weren't associated with anything. Here are some of the more memorable songs I can think of right now:

'I will always love you' from Whitney Houston. This was not something I was playing, it just happened to be playing at the time of my first kiss.

Sting's song 'Desert Storm' brings up more recent memories.

Halley's Comet from Phish makes me think of the glow sticks at Phish concerts.

Sugar Magnolia from the Dead makes me remember Ft Lauderdale with the swim team.

Ass Pony's Little Bastard makes me remember the Hyandai. Also Peaches from Presidents of the United States of America.

Ace of Base makes me think of going to school on the school bus.

Sha na na makes me remember standing in the living room spinning around.

Beach Boys.. primarily that one that goes like "Kilargo, montego, come on pretty momma" or whatever.. I'd have to hear that song to remember what it reminds me of.

There is a Queen album that makes me think of my Dad.

A lot of classical music makes me remember playing violin in high school.

Anything that remotely sounds like the music from JEM (the cartoon from teh 80s) makes me think of JEM.

The Into Another song that goes "Lying on my back, in the front yard of a suburban home" makes me think of freshman year in high school. Whenever I hear Nirvana's Ape song i think of Ms. Schwartz, the ugly english teacher.

Apollo Joy excites me for some reason.. nothing to do with Boogie Nights.

The put it in your mouth song makes me think of Tim.

There is a lot of pop music that makes me think of things.. they just happen to be playing at the time. Both good things and bad.

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