Macgyver is not Milton.

In category:Television
Post by:Peps

Man, Caniprokis, I would NOT want to be Gatekeeper's hero. Beware. Nggggh.

Anyway, I am not at all trained in the discipline of psychology, which means according to my own opinions of many involved in that particular science, that I am perfectly qualified to dispense psycological analysis. That being said, I think that Calliander is right in many ways about everyone's love for old cartoon shows. I think it is very likely that you all enjoy these shows because you enjoyed them during your childhood, and they remind you of being a kid. I think things can be good in that they are enjoyable, but I think that we can all admit that Thundercats is not a great work of art. Sorry, folks but the history of Western Literature does not progress as follows:






I think you all know that you enjoy watching TV from back in the day, but come on. The writing was not brilliant on He-Man or Transformers. You probably just like them because they remind you of when you were a kid. This group certainly loves re-living their youth. Many of us here still spend time doing so, and some probably have not even grown that far away from it. Anyway, yeah, Thundercats does kinda suck, and I never liked Macgyver much, but I'm sure that they can be fun to watch anyway.

And what the fuck is it with those kids that light themselves on fire after watching that show "Jackass"? That is just stupidity. There is no need to censor shows like that, there is a need to have children be less stupid. Idunno. Maybe those kids should watch Scooby Doo or something.

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