
In category:News
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

I agree that McVeigh shouldn't be executed, but not because of the ethics of the death penalty. The reason he shouldn't be executed is because that's not a punishment to him, he sees himself as a martyr and doesn't mind dying for his "cause". To a person like that, a fitting punishment is something along the lines of spending the next 50 years in solitary confinement, his only contact with another living thing being his weekly congigal visit from a big diesel black guy with a 2 foot cock and an anal sex fetish. Until he starts to enjoy it, at that point you swap the big black guy with a snake that will slither up his ass and wreak havok in his bowels. And if he ever starts to enjoy that (nieuhhhhhhhhhhhh)....Uh, I guess we could just kill him then.

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