Little Nemo: The Dream Master

In category:Journal
Post by:Stone

For fuck's sake. Ehh. I want to say a bunch of hateful things regarding certain people, but I don't see what difference it'll make.

Finals are going well. I've moved my computer downstairs - and although this makes me feel like an idiot, I find that disconnecting my computer from the network helps me write much more quickly. I churned out about 7 pages on a pretty dense topic this morning in 4 hours, which is incredibly fast for me - and the paper was good. I don't like the fact that I unconciously check e-mail, look at IRC, whatever, when the computer is plugged in, and that my solution is to just unplug the computer - makes me feel weak-willed. But, whatever.

My girlfriend and I, after I handed in my Johnson paper, sat outside on Beebe Beach today, this little tree-lined grassy area next to, Beebe Lake. It was windy and her hair smelled nice. Ate a chicken sandwich with good tomatoes, which was delicious. PLEASE, GO FORTH AND BE LIKE ME, MY CHILDREN.

I tend to think that, most of the time, if you know of people that actively dislike you, then there's something wrong with your personality, something that you can and should change. All/most of my friends, I think, don't have people that they feud with, people they know just dislike them, hate them, and that's because they're all cool, good people with reasonable, interesting personalities. And, all of the people I know who have "enemies", my sister, for one, have very abrasive personalities, flawed reasoning, so forth. People chalk up other peoples' dislike of them to "hating", or something extraneous like that, which is foolish.

I don't understand most 'hippie' sports, namely the frisbee and hacky sack. Both toys seem designed to make the users of them look as stupid as possible - more often than not, the people I see throwing frisbees on the arts quad can't throw them properly - the things tip horizontally, fly back towards the thrower, float around. And, the hacky sack? Can anyone who owns one of these things keep it up in the air for more than two seconds? It's kind of humorous to watch these kids futilely try to keep the little bean-filled sphere up in the air past the first kick, repeatedly picking it up and starting again, all the while attempting to display that their garnering some form of enjoyment from the pasttime. I appreciate these kids seem to like them.

Greendog has no facial features, for christ's sake.


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