Lio's Summertime Blues #6...

In category:Journal
Post by:LioConvoy

Hey folks... it's been a while since I last posted, and when I did I sounded fairly psychotic, so I've decided to post. So, what's new in my corner? Well, I started my job at the dining commons, so I'm not hurting for cash anymore, so that's kinda sweet. But I have no time. Weekdays I'm gone from 8 am to 9pm going to classes and after that work. On Saturday I participate in 2 roleplaying games, one after the other. Sundays I get off every other week... hehe... I'm so busy. What else... Oh yeah I started spanish 3 last week. I wanted to start in spanish 2, but they kicked my ass out of the class because i had 5+ years of spanish... fuckers. Oh, and if my life isn't already fantastic... I have 3 papers due on friday... HAHAHAH! ah well... such is life.

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