Lio's Summertime Blues #5...

In category:Work
Post by:LioConvoy

Well, I went for my "Hiring Session" today. Not bad, it's another dining commons gig, so it shouldn't be that bad. So I was reading through the various forms and came accross one that that said "You must tell your employer about all on the job injuries!" I just sat there and laughed, and looked at the scar covering the entire edge of my hand, that might not be there had I told my employer at the last dining commons and gotten some medical attention. HEH... What can I say, I'm pig headed and macho when it comes to injury and sickness. Everytime I have a seizure, I keep trying to get up and insist that everything is fine. I had pnuemonia this past Fall/Winter, but I was insistant that it was just a cold and that my immune system would handle it in time. It got so bad that I was sleeping 12 hours at night and an addition 7 hr. cat nap during the day. Eventually my friend, I'll call her... Red, Red Came to my apartment and forced me to go to a hospital. I usually have a policy of wanting extreme retribution if anyone wrongs me, but if I ever want to do that to Red, I've got to remember that there's a good chance she saved my life.

Woah... Where'd that come from? heh... Anyway on to another topic that makes Lio seem like a scary individual, Bleaker. I'm glad the wedding was nice... she's a nice girl and she deserves good things. Even though I don't approve of her choice of time, mate and just overall decision to get married, I am glad to hear that she is happy. Bleaker is in need of a calming influence in her life like Bob. Bleaker is as high strung as a Strativarius Violin, but if Bob were anymore laid back he'd be dead. They make a great balance. Not unlike Yin and Yang. Beh... whatever. I'm leaving... Later.

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