Lio's Summer Time Blues... #1

In category:Life
Post by:LioConvoy

Ok, so the title is slightly misleading... the tone of this post will be mostly positive, but this is going to be part of regular ongoing series of posts throughout the summer.

So first off... ya know... I hate being stuck at school during the summer but it has it's up points. During the regular semester, everyone is an asshole. They just walk around with giant frown on their faces. But it's different now. The mood is so much lighter around here. People are actually happy! Even me!

This also makes it much easier to get to meet people. For instance, I'd long thought I was the only game geek in State College, PA... even though we have 2 phat game stores right next to each other. Turns out I was wrong. I met a fellow game geek in class today, and it turns out that there is an entire club devoted to gaming with over 250 members! He even invited me to play with his party. Not bad. It's also easier to meet girls in the summer. Already I have two prospects in my Karate class.

Well, that closes out this issue of Lio's Summer Time Blues... Good night and have a pleasant tommorrow.

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