Lio VS The Demon Prince of Suburbia

In category:Misc
Post by:Peps

Shit. I don't know about you guys but this has been kinda funny to me (Not the thing about Bleaker). I'm just glad to see that a Renessance woman such as the Girl Next store could all point us in the right direction. Clearly, enlightenment can be attained by drinking a combination of semen and beer. What a post, I mean it had the wit of a simian poet wrapping aimlessly at the keys of a typewriter. As for telling us not to whine on this site, that seems pretty dumb to me. I have always been an advocate of running the site in a way that no one will be restricted from posting anything, but if you don't like what some one has to say, then don't read it. Telling us not to whine on this site is like having a one-man klan rally in downtown Harlem. I think that your advice about not using computers is best left to yourself. GND=Ort

Anyway, on to matters of some importance. Lio, man, don't feel bad. Yeah, Bleaker is going to marry that guy, but you are right. He is a loser. If Bob Marley knew this guy, he would stage a drug intervention for him. He has a baby with her. Bleakers isn't known for the finest of decision making. Nor is the Demon Princess. They could have been with a future sucessful businessman who looks like D. Matthews, but they chose the filthy gangaphile , and the dark overlord of suburbia. It sucks. I know how you feel. I can't get chicks either, because the majority of them love assholes. Just think, women like some of them on this site, hmmmm, lets get one in mind, that appears to make really bad choices. Hmmmmm, Arcee? No. Levres? Hmm. No. Who's that other one, Twisted something or other. Eh, we'll leave her out of it. Well, just try to think of one who seems pretty dumb. Now, you like women, but would you go for that one? She seems like a damn idiot to you, doesn't she? You could spend your time chasing her, but what's the point? She and some other women are too dumb to realize that you are worth putting time into. They would rather be fratmatresses. So, while women are nice and all, there are some out there that are just not worth your attention. Some just make bad decisions. Now, not all women, but we have some primary examples here. Don't worry about it, man. Things don't work out as it seems they should. I know what a fan of schadenfreunde you are, so just sit back and let it role in from Bleaker and the Demon, and any others. GND says: ME AM LIKE COK!!

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