Lio and his many women

In category:Sex
Post by:Levres

No "Way to go, Lio." No. Forget Red. She could have had you back when and she decided to go to Speare instead. Fuck her. You don't need his hand-me-downs. She should have known whatshe passed up and its her own fault. Don't be there for her to come running to unless you're just there as a friend. It wil never work out. Don't do it man, you deserve better. You deserve a chick who wants to be with you from the beginning. You don't deserve any of this, I'll be with you since the guy I want is unavailable. No, fuck that. You should have a girl that say, Hey Lio, you're great and I want to be with you and no one else. Don't take Speare's hand-me-downs and don't let yourself be Red's second choice. Help them get back together if you know that's what's going to happen. If they aren't going to get back together, be her friend and help her get over the break up. Maybe way later on down the road, if she sees you for who you are, and not just as a fillin for Speare, then maybe you could have something with her. But you won't even need that cause it will be so far down the road and you'll either be home or happily with someone else. Sorry it didn't work out with Red or Melanie. Forget them both though. You can find someone better.

Was that too much whining for you too, FlyingTim?

1212 Out.

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