Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

In category:Life
Post by:Levres

So, it's 4:00 on Sunday. This weekend Wilson and I went to my house because I had some business to attend to on Saturday afternoon. We left here Friday afternoon and were back by Saturday night. Anyhow, in that time, we visited a friend of mine from home. I had a belated birthday gift to give. This is was my first visit to his house. Let me explain that a bit. I've known this particular friend (let's call him Kram) for about 5 years or so. In that time, I think he has moved 3 times. I went to one of his houses, but I hadn't even been to the one where he is living now. He lives with his girlfriend, Irrek, and their 1 year old son, Kcaz. Kram just turned 19 years old. I believe Irrek is still 18. Like I said, Kcaz just turned 1 -- 9 days after Kram turned 19 coincidentally. Anyhow, I had a gift for Kcaz so I went over there Friday night to deliver it and see my little buddy. After a little driving back and forth, we finally found the house. Kram hadn't left any lights on and I didn't know which door to go to or anything. I didn't want to disturb anyone. Like I said, Kram lives with Irrek, Kcaz, Irrek's parents, brother, and grandmother. It's a four generation house. Anyhow, Irrek's grandmother lets us in and tells us Kram is upstairs. We get up there and Kram lets us in. His twin brother, Evad, is there, along with their friend Mit and ofcourse my little buddy Kcaz. The place is a shit hole. Sorry, but it is really kind of awful. There is crap all over the floor - clothes, toys, etc. The bed is not made. Kcaz's crib is in the corner. There is a table at the end of the bed. There is no room to walk around. Wilson and I can't even get in, we just stand at the doorway. About 5 minutes after we get there, Irrek gets home from work (at Stop & Shop). She has cookies in her apron pocket, which she gives to Kcaz and everyone else...Wilson and I decline. Kcaz eats the cookies, mashes it up, gets chocolate all over the place, drops it on the floor, eats it up still, and so on. We make small talk with Irrek, Kram, and everyone until we finally leave.

On the way over to the house, Wilson and I had been talking. You know, when you hear about teenage pregnancy, a lot of people will be like "oh how sad, they've ruined their lives blah blah blah." At least, that's the attitude that my mother has. So Wilson and I were talking about that. I was saying that I didn't think Kram and Irrek ruined their lives. I mean, maybe it wasn't the best way to go about things, but so what. They were doing okay and Kcaz is adorable. Blah blah blah.

So Wilson and I say goodbye, nice seeing you, blah blah, and we leave. As soon as we're both in the car, I turn to Wilson and say "Okay, so maybe they did ruin their lives." Then we talked about how we never ever want to be in that situation, which is what this post was supposed to be about.

Wilson and I are both going to college. Granted Wilson will probably make more money than me and he will probably be the supporter of our family, but still I will make something of myself and I will have a respectable job. We will have a nice clean house - not live with his parents or mine. Hopefully when we have our children we will be finally secure are both old enough to drink! I don't know, I think all I'm trying to say is hopefully we can plan things a little better.

I don't want to be a dumpy 18 year old, working at Stop & Shop all my free time, coming home to a sty to take care of my one year old son, while my boyfriend/fiance/husband has maybe worked at little at Circuit City, but sat around for the rest of the day with his friends, playing Japanese anime type video games (on a Play Station 2 or one of their 2 computers) while our baby eats cookies off a dirty floor. Where are the priorities? They have 2 computers and Play Stations 2, but they can't get themselves out of that shithole and make a decent life for their child?

Children having children. I just don't understand. I don't want kids til I'm 30!

1212 Out.

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