Life and Times

In category:Journal
Post by:Caniprokis

I dont even feel like i have to say this because im sure we all know it, but mike is not picking up girls every night to then not bring them home......Meh!

my day starts at 6:30am, my alarm goes off, i wake up to the radio such a much more pleasent way to wake up then some sonic ear peircing rattle jolting me out of bed, why i waited this long to start doing this i have no idea but it makes my day start off way less stressful.

i roll out of bed around 6:50 and take a shit and then shower, usually getting out around 7:09, it just works out that way more often then not, even when i think i took a longer shit than normal. after that i get dressed and leave my house around 7:20 i get to the office around 7:50 go get a coffee at the market next door and wait for the kid with a key to get here. i leave here sometime after 5 and get home sometime before 6 i then either go to the gym or out, i never stay home, too stressful.

my weekends lately have been long and taxing, out till 3 or 4 all kinds of fucked up, sleeping untill after 12 saturday and sunday.

i dont talk to girls

i dont get to play music as much as i like

i hate the radio

i dont read as much as i would like, and im not really inspried to read anything at this point, after completely covering the Kerouac catalog i kinda dont know what to read, im thinking about picking up the wheel of time series again, or maybe rereading the Dark Tower..

all the toys i want or too expensive

i really want to get out of my parents house, but i need a roommate, i dont make enough to live alone, but i dont really care to live with anyone in know, and i dont want to live with a stranger.

i do not speak with women

i hate my car

im happy im not as bald as i thought i would be by now

i wanna start buying nicer cloths

i wish blood and i could hang out more

i got a look at 4th ed and it makes me wanna cry and vomit at the same time

haveing hugh in branford for the last year has made my life significantly better

the last few days with stoneman have been awesome

.......and i guess thats it for now.

948 "we all over the world"

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