Let's all Simmadownahh

In category:Misc
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

I've been doing a lot of research on this whole situation, and I've come to the conclusion that we must take swift military action, however not simply for revenge or bloodlust. Calliander and Levres are correct that merely dropping napalm on a bunch of arabs for the sake of revenge would be wrong, however we all have to understand the reasons that these fundamentalists do what they do. When we started stationing troops in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War, these fundamentalists became terrified that our free uninhibited culture would rub off on their people and set them down the path to hell and darkness that we Americans are on. They have been brainwashed to see us as a cancer to the planet, along with everyone else that has beliefs different from theirs. They've also been brainwashed with the belief that giving your own life for the greater good of killing evil westerners gets you a free pass to "heaven". It all comes down to the fact that there's a network of people who feel their purpose in life is to kill us, and they will gladly give their own lives in the process. That's fucking scary and dangerous, there's no reasoning with people like that and there's no way to stop them short of killing them before they kill us. Even before justice is taken into consideration, we must ensure our survival. I agree wholeheartedly that death should and must be avoided when at all reasonably possible, but we simply have no choice here. This is the worst case scenario, these people are forcing us to choose, us or them. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, especially if the few are misguided Islam Fundamentalists bent on our destruction. If I get drafted to go bomb the Taliban or go into Afganistan to wipe out Bin Laden's groups I'll go, but not because I want revenge. Not because I'm mad, or because I'm some brave macho dude, or because of my honor system. I'll go because I believe in what this country stands for, because the world must know that we will not tolerate terrorism. Because I want to ensure that my children can enjoy the way of life we have enjoyed to this point, and can live without constant fear of terrorism. It's like the scene in Independence Day, when the President asks the alien that took over Brent Spiner's body what his race wants us to do, and he replies "Diiiiiiieeeeeee". At some point, someone has to fly their fighter plane into the mothership's death beam so as to ensure the safety and freedom of countless innocents all over the world. That figurative fighter plane will mostly likely be some innocent people in Afganistan.

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