Let's agree to disagree

In category:Life
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

Well, I started weightlifting again a few weeks ago figuring by now my shoulder is healed, but yesterday I was bench pressing and blew out my right shoulder AGAIN. I'm so fucking pissed, and now I have to go to the doctor this morning and probably hear that I need surgery. I'm so angry about it in fact that I feel like having them cut open my shoulder just to spite it, and the whole fixing it thing is a nice bonus.

I respect your point of view on the religion thing Peps, but I completely disagree that you've provided "evidence" that God does not exist. You've provided circumstancial evidence based on the small amount of knowledge we all have about the universe. Throughout history people have come to logical conclusions about things that were later proven wrong as new evidence became available. Now I'm certainly not saying we should just abandon logic, because in most cases it's the best shot we have at figuring things out, but part of logic is knowing when we have too little info to try to prove something through logic.

And about the religion giving people power thing, I didn't say the only successful people in the world are those who have faith, I said that most people are stronger when they have faith in a higher power than when they don't, and most people can do things when they have faith that they couldn't without it. For every one athiest that does great things there's a thousand people that attribute at least part of their success to their faith in a higher power. I agree with Calliander that believing in religion and believing in a higher power are separate things, as I personally despise organized religion but still have strong faith in God. Organized religion is corrupted and twisted by centuries of human beings abusing their power and trying to control how people think.

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