Lesbians and Electricity.. Boobs and Pills..

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

First, I just want to say something and not back up my argument because a) I can't really do it and b) I am lazy and c) I don't owe you that much. I am very much for the death penalty. I think it should be given to more people. I think its far better than jail. Now that I write that, it sounds a lot like that recent issue with the 13-year-old kid who broke into his middle school's computer system and killed himself in order to avoid jail. That's not quite what I mean though. Death vs 5 years of ass raping.. I think that death is a bad choice in that case. But Death vs LIFE in prison.. come on.. who the fuck wants to live in jail the rest of their life? You keep animals in cages that you want to a) play with or b) kill. Sooo.. same for humans right? Either play with them or kill them off. I'd rather be part of the group killed for my crimes.. this is if I am indeed guilty. I guess I'll just go along and have faith in the judicial process.

Maybe give inmates the choice of death vs life in prison. I also think that prison is too good for people. Fucking wired cell blocks and such.. weight rooms, libraries, outdoor time.. fuck, I don't get all that. Jail should be you and a smelly dude locked in a cell 23 hours a day.. a dark cell. That hour would be spent over three seperate twenty minute meal times.

The McVeigh thing is silly because the guy was most likely as ready to die as ever, and now he has another month of waiting. That's cruel. If you say you're going to kill someone on Wednesday, DO IT. Stop pussy footing around.

Lesbians like beer. They have every right to be pissed off if you drink their beer. But.. this sort of thing should be forgotten after a simple scolding. Also, you should feel bad only if you did not drink them all. If you drink one, you should drink all.

I was talking to my RA (she isnt my RA anymore.. she was fired) today about the UMASS spring concert.. she went, and was in the second row the entire time. She was saying how Lil' Kim looks horrible in person up close. I found it a weird conversation because my RA was talking about Lil' Kim's boobs and stuff, and when you describe boobs, you draw what you are talking about on your own chest.. whether you are male or female. So if you are talking about how hard someone elses boobs look in comparison to your own, you squeeze your own and then knock on the wall to show the comparison. I found that amusing in a way. She's a nice girl, the type of RA you sorta picture as a stereo-type.. like.. she gets worked up about social/political issues and is really peppy and stuff.. weird that she was fired too. The other RA on the floor is sorta mean by comparison. He made me take six beers out of my 30pack and put them back in my car (the school officially only allows for 24 beers per resident.. this is the first time I've had a problem).


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