Lesbian Makeout Session

In category:Sex
Post by:Pappy

No names will be mentioned in this post, none are necessary. The parties involved may wish to post something themselves at some point, or not. The event involves two couples, and an interested observer (me).

For one reason or another, the two girls ended up making out (please send cash for advance orders of the video :)). It's no secret I love lesbians and their antics, and at least one of the two boyfriends feel the same way. I have no clue about the other when I think about it. Since it is no secret I love lesbians, people just bring it up because its funny.. no one ever says "Ew, I don't like that" because they'd probably get told "Dude, what's wrong with you? Are you some sort of fag?" (not quite like that, but allow me to embellish a bit here).

Anyway, the topic has not exactly been discussed, and it isn't really any of my business whether person A or B like or dislike it. I don't exactly need to know what they like. Especially when it involves something like lesbian sex since it doesn't necessarily define the "type" of girl a person goes for. Wilson's theory has always been that all girls are lesbians/bisexual (same thing.. call it what you want), and I agree.

I'm not currently in a relationship, so I can't exactly speak for either one of the boyfriends involved, so I can't say exactly what would be going through their minds, but I can imagine possibilities.

Basically, there is a good chance that one or both of the boyfriends don't like lesbian makeout sessions at all, although as I said, I am pretty damn sure one does. Or even, one might be unsure on the whole thing. There are levels of insecurity involved, and a mess of emotions.. and I am not even talking about the girls involved.

But I have to mention, I do love it. I felt somewhat dirty being just someone sitting staring (more like casual glancing) towards the couch. I don't exactly need to stare or watch, or even hear the sounds of lips smacking and tongues moving. I just like to know its going on.

After reading some of the email messages that come in, I know what you're thinking. This does have the introductory premise to a fairly good porno orgy. If both the boyfriends really enjoy the girls kissing, and felt okay/secure about everything, and of course I couldn't be there, the four of them maybe could have done it.. but I doubt it.

From an early age, we humans are taught to share, that is because it is not exactly natural to share. Because of this, most people aren't exactly into "swinging". A guy may be willing to share all of his toys easily, but a girlfriend is not a toy (not always anyway).

My other reasoning is more odd, and that is just a personal rule I have. Friendship is good.. in most cases, two (male) friends can remain friends far longer than either one of them has a girlfriend. Girlfriends can come and go, the real friendship stays. Because of that, I think that if a friend dates a girl, she becomes off limits for at least a few years after they break up. Basically that means no cheating and no ploys to get them to break up in order two date the girl. There are of course exceptions.. there are to all rules, but 99% of the time you're probably better off anyway dating a new, fresh, unused female companion.

The reason I've had this rule is not from anything recently, but really from the pre-age 15 years.. before high school, when kids start discovering girls. I have always had a problem (at least, I think I still do it) of flirting/hitting on/whatever friend's girlfriends. I never do it intentionally (well, there was one time in 8th grade, but thats another story). When a girl becomes taken, she become easy to talk to and the flirting comes from that.. its all accidental. So I have a personal rule not to get involved like that.

Anyway, its late and my line of dust is kicking in.. post more later.

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