Ladies and Gentleman the President of the United States of America

In category:News
Post by:Caniprokis

I watched the State of the Union Address last night and i have to say over all i think it is one of the best speeches hes given in his time as president. "In a whirlwind of change and hope and peril, our faith is sure, our resolve is firm, and our union is strong." good to hear but i think no matter what if we were going to hell in a hand basket thats what he would open with so you cant put too much stock in that but im willing to believe and at least it was well said. Now the first half of this speech was full of the normal gobble de gook thats always in these speeches, all the domestic crap thats not really going to happen, pushing up plans of reform for healthcare, tax cuts, social security, and unempoyment. Everything we want to hear and everything we know wont really change that much. However after that we were given what i think was a well laid out plea to america to get behind the president and to support our armed services in a war that we can almost certainly say is coming and coming soon.

"The dictator of Iraq is not disarming. To the contrary; he is deceiving." When he said this, i think everyone there, everyone watching, stoped for a moment and was captured. As i look at the words there, they dont seem to be anything to great just a sentance, but the power put into them by the President was true and his demenor was full of nothing but determination. The President, standing behind his podium at times remined me of what a man loks like just before fight, his eyes fixed and focused clear of everything but whats infront of him, his shoulders set back holding his chest out, a man ready to defend any attack that may come and to follow that defence up with a quick and powerful attack of his own.

"Some have said we must not act until the threat is imminent. Since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike?" I couldent have said it any better, noone could, what so many people are trying to explain to all these "well he hasent done anything yet" assholes. Look its simple, saddam is a lunatic, noone not even the tree huggingest liberal would disagree with that. We know WE KNOW! that iraq has the ability to destroy lots and lots of people, should we wait like we did with hitler for saddam to kill 6 million people befor we decide its ok to do something about it? should we wait till the VX gas is spreading through Iserael or he launches sarin gas on our troops waiting in sarounding countries before we attack? Should we wait for a small nucular explosion in Los Angeles? New York? Washington? why? Because of the idea of fair play? I hate to break it to you but this isent like anything esle weve ever had to deal with before. this is more like a global street fight than a war, no rules, whatever it takes to win. thats how saddam thinks. hes not the kid who wants to fight a fair one with you, hes the kid that jumps you with 10 other kids in the dark from behind and beats your ass into the ground with baseball bats except its not bats and kids its nucular weapons and terrorists. The best, really the only way to deal withs kids like that is to take them out, beat them so bad that anyone who was following them, or thinking about following them is too afraid. Thats how you beat a bully, and really thats all saddam is a big global bully. i hate bullies.

So if you dident catch it, or wanna read it over for yourself heres the link to the speech.

The lyrics im about to post are from killswitch engage, never befor have they had more meaning to me.

Rise Inside

rise inside, free your mind
raise your fist to signify
we stand in defiance of hatred and deception
if i stand alone i will fight for you
the time has come to make a difference
why have we forsaken love
the time has come to raise our voices
so rise up and fight with me
embrace what we have
it might be the last time in this life we will rise
if we find the strength to unify
hatred is a weakness, you become the victim
i believe love will overcome
time has come to make a difference
why have we forsaken one another

If i stand alone, i'll fight for you!~KsE

948 out

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