La vie est bonne - La vida es buena - Life is good

In category:Journal
Post by:Levres

It's days like today and weeks like this one that make me lie in bed at night and say if there is a God of whatever sort who is responsible for all this, thanks. Monday was incredibly nice out, just beautiful. I spent my two hours of office hours outside on the campus center steps doing my proofs homework with the sun on my shoulders and a light breeze blowing over me. It was just perfect. The rest of the week was a little cooler and windier, but still so nice, nice especially in comparison to all the snow and shitty winter days that we have finally (hopefully) gotten past.

Today Wilson and I woke up around noon when I got a call from a friend that I haven't talked to (purposely) in a few months. I have finally just recently forgiven her and we're starting to rebuild our friendship. If you remember, this was that friend, I believe I called her Pam, who messed around with my boyfriend (ex boyfriend now) David. Anyway, David was no great prize and I'm glad I'm not with him. I mean, if I had stayed with David, I would have trasferred home to Bridgewater State College and then I would have never met Wilson and Pappy and such. Everything happens for a reason I guess. Plus, I don't know, but one say out of nowhere I just thought what if something were to happen to Pam? Like, what if she got into a car accident and died? Would this really be the way that I wanted to have things end? The answer is no. We had a fight, but we can get past it. Who am I to judge her? I've made mistakes too. So anyway, I have started talking to an old friend and that's really nice.

This week has just been beautiful weather. I haven't had hardly any homework or work. Things are going well. I really can't complain about anything. Life is good. It's just a really good time to be alive.

Yesterday, Wilson and I cruised on down to Wal-mart in my convertible (top down of course) and we bought rollerblades. They're actually 2XS brand inline skates, but whatever. I tried them on in the store and rollerbladed out wearing them. Wilson isn't as adventurous. We went back to campus and picked up Pappy, went out for some damn tasty chicken wings. We dropped Pappy off, came back to my room, rollerbladed over the Pappy's place again, hung out a while, rollerbladed home, and then went out with Pappy and Preacherman. It was fun and mildly painful skating around with Wilson. I think I was a little over ambitious thinking that on my first attempt to rollerblade, I could make it all the way to Pappy's. We did it though, and it was good exercise. I'm on my way to being not as fat anymore, I hope.

Today, like I said, Wilson and I woke up around noon. Lounged around a bit and then took a nap. At a little before 3 we got up to take showers and what not. Then we walked into town, got some pizza, walked around a bit, went shopping, and walked home. It was a lazy afternoon and oh God was it nice. It was perfect weather, not too hot, but the sun was shining. There was a nice cool breeze though and (probably due to it being Easter weekend and all) there weren't too many people out. It was just real real nice.

Well that's all I wanted to say. If there's a God, thanks for the past week, keep up the good work. If there isn't, I don't know. In any case, life is good.

So kiddies, sit back a bit, relax, enjoy the nice weather before it passes you by. Keep your priorities straight. Put off your work a little and go out and enjoy the fresh air. If you have any homework or work than can be done outside, do that. If not, do it later. Fly a kit, take a walk, ride a bike, rollerblade, hang with your friends, cruise around in a convertible, just do something. Make memories. :-)

1212 Out.

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