Kurt Cobain

In category:Music
Post by:wilson

I still think that no good slut snuffed him out..

(Ripped from the page cited below..)

Cobain's heroin, (morphine), blood level was 1.52 mgs per liter. This would require a minimum injection of 225 mgs of heroin, three times a lethal dose, even for a hardcore heroin addict! The drug Diazepam, was also found in Cobain's blood system.

Case you dont know, Diazepam is valium and used in the treatment of anxiety disorders, seizures, and muscle spasms. It is Schedule IV in the U.S... You all know what heroin is


  1. If Cobain injected himself with a deliberate heroin overdose, why would he ALSO shoot himself in the head with a shotgun, leaving his baby daughter - the love of his life - with horrific visual images to remember him by? Why not just "go to sleep" on the overdose and never wake up?

  2. IF Cobain injected three times a lethal dose of heroin, COULD he then pick up a shotgun and shoot himself? Wouldn't he have been immediately incapacitated?

Based on the heroin, (morphine), blood levels found in Cobain's body, preliminary research indicates Kurt Cobain would have been immediately incapacitated. He could not have picked up that shotgun. He could not have pulled that trigger!

www.cobaincase.com WARNING ANNOYING FUCKING AUDIO on that webpage
www.justiceforkurt.com All together better page, more informative.. but the first is an investigator/former detective on the case.

Fucking faggots, I dont want to hear your shit blaring through my speakers as I try to beat off to my Nature's-relaxing-sounds CD.

Saw that cunt Courtney Love on Letterman the other week.. all I have to say is, Awful.

"Just because you're paranoid, Don't mean they're not after you." - Territorial Pissings

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