Kill 'em all

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

Fuck Republicans. And fuck John Rowland, too. Maybe now that he's got a third term we can work on sprucing up the pretty parts of Hamden, Yale... er... I mean... New Haven, and Southingtonin the name of progress, too. Or maybe we can team up with Worldcom and Harvey Pitt and spend some taxpayer money on nothing again. What aboutHartford? Let's dig up a whole bunch ofroads, knock down people's houses and erect a shiny corporate office building!Better yet, perhaps we can draft up some new legislature that makes it OK to beat the shit out of your significant other as long as you're doing it out of love. I'd like to see any of the Republicans who upset to win get up and be like, "All of this wouldn't have been possible without Al Qaeda, because without them attacking us, America wouldn't have become so closed-minded!"

Sorry, had to get that out. Especially that last one.=)

Democrats really need to work on finding candidates who are more attractive. I mean, I voted for Bill Curry because I absolutely loathe Rowland (call him "Lou") but come on - the guy looks like a freakin' pedophile! Even worse, he looks like one of those gay pedophiles! I mean, at least if you're molesting little girls you're kind of on the fence. Plus, he was terrible in front of the camera.Joe Courtney, whom I'm surprised conceded the race, looks like a cross between 9-Iron (remember, from high school) and an angry bird. Lieberman looks like he eats babies after breaking into people's houses and stealing all the panties. Len Fasano's got that whole "crazy" thing going on, looks like he could tell you a whole lot about his best friend's dog. Rosa DeLauro isprobably one of the ugliest people ever, how she continues to win is beyond me.And I don't even really have to say anything about Gore.The last cool Democrat was Buddy Bubba up in the White House. Pick up the pace here, people! Get on the ball and start putting up some attractive people! Not that Dick Cheney or John Ashcroft areanything to sing home about, but still.


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