Ken loves the cock

In category:Gaming
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

The new high definition art shoves him out of the closet. The limitations of 16-bit sprites served as a decent beard for Ken, but he can no longer hide his alternative lifestyle. Exhibit A:

E Honda's about to hate-fuck Ken's mouth, but does Ken look concerned? Of course not. Ryu, in this situation, would be dragon punching Honda in the taint. Is Ken busting out his flaming (come on) dragon punch? Nope. Ken's smirking with excitement, sending E Honda a clear message: "Put that fat penis right in my mouth and don't take it out until I swallow your oriental gravy." Directly behind them, on the boat, we can see Ken's lover Ronald cheering it on. Those teenagers to Ronald's right are cheering because they think they're watching a good fight. The poor bastards are about to be scarred for life, unable to think about sex or sushi without picturing Ken drooling on a sumo meat helmet.

Exhibit B:

Here we see Honda positioning Ken's face on the ground so he can fuck it missionary style. Notice that another gay couple has shown up to watch. The older gay with the grey beard is like "Oh man, I haven't seen hatefucking like this since my days as a long shoreman!" but the younger gay is visibly angry. He's from a different generation, and he's ashamed of Ken on behalf of gays everywhere. He thinks man-fucking should be a dignified and loving act, but Ken's making a mockery of it with his endless hunger for beatings and cock.

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