
In category:Work
Post by:Stone

Posted by Caniprokis:and what has all this gotton me. MORE FUCKING WORK. not disaplinary action that i so craved but just the oposit more respociblitly and people coming to me for anwsers and desisions.

all i wanted really was to get fired so i could collect unemployment for a little while fuck off and play music. instead im a god damned soot after commidity in my department

That is too funny. I was going to suggest a grammar/spell check function, but that post wouldn't be half as good without all of that stuff. It adds character. What have you been up to man, aside from work?

Drinking, I hope. If you turned a grammar checker on that post you would probably break it.

More responsibility is what you want, right? Is the rebelling thing working, or is that not the type of responsibility you were talking about?

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