Just to make a point.

In category:Drugs
Post by:Caniprokis

I just thought i would give everyone who is not on facebook, the opertunity to ridicule and murder mike about this absolute bullshit post he put up on his page, as you will see, its typical mike fucking bullshit outlandish no basis remarks on something he knows little to nothing about. please feel free to rip him a new giant gaping asshole.......I could probably make a pretty big list of people I know who use marijuana. All of you know that I think the War on Drugs is stupid and that I support legalizing marijuana. And you all know that I have never even once tried it (or any other drugs, except alcohol, for that matter).

Most of you should also know by now that I consider myself smarter than people who use marijuana. I haven't been able to put my finger on why I feel this way, so I've pretty much been walking around for years of my life with this feeling of superiority that I couldn't justify... but you know me and my big mouth, I will still proclaim it regardless of my ability to qualify it. In recent years I've been getting closer to an answer, though, and a video I was watching today on the NYTimes site about California's medical marijuana situation helped me pinpoint it (I think).

Every single one of you (you, meaning the folks who use marijuana) are liars.

Oh, how ripe! The person who used to be nicknamed, "Mike the Liar," pronouncing this! The pot turns to the kettle, though, and says: I have changed; learned from what I did when I was younger, and decided that I don't want to be that way. Aside from the bullshit with Elaine (because that was between us), I would challenge anyone to call me out on something. In fact, I would say I've gotten extremely good at being straightforward and even at identifying when I'm trying to delude myself. I am an open book nowadays.

Therefore, and because of that, I think I am qualified to call out marijuana users on their deceit.

Here's the deal: again, I am for the legalization of marijuana. Why? Let me explain the reasons that I'm not basing this support upon, the lies of the pot crowd. I don't care about how many uses hemp has. I don't care about the calming effect it has. I don't care about how tobacco and alcohol are worse, yet legal. I don't care about any of the other reasons and I especially don't care about it not being addictive*. If marijuana is legal and sanctioned, the government can collect taxes on it just like tobacco. Legal limits of use can be set, like alcohol, and tests can be done to determine that. The problem with marijuana users is that I get that bullshit about the uses of hemp and so forth. And, having been a very bad liar, I can spot your disbelief of those justifications. Just tell the world the truth about why you want it legal, potheads!

And now we come to the star I put in that last paragraph, the biggest lie of them all: marijuana is not addictive. Fuck yourself. Marijuana HAS to be addictive. I'm not a doctor, so I cannot determine the way in which marijuana is addictive but let me explain why it has to be. First of all, if it's not addictive, why continue to use it on a regular basis? I have not heard an answer to this question that wasn't a lie. ("I don't have to use it all of the time, but it makes me calm.") Second: the amount of rationalization circling the justification of marijuana use is on par with any other drug addict, along with the extended explanations of the usage (which indicate a lie). Getting a prescription for weed is the same as the President saying, "We're starting to see the effects of the stimulus:" come on. Nobody fucking believes that. Everybody knows that pretty much everyone used the stimulus to pay bills and everyone knows what I will now say:

So I say again, just tell the truth! You want marijuana legal so that you can buy it, smoke it, eat it, whatever you do with it... and not get arrested. How on earth is that such a bad explanation? Why would you want to avoid that reason? It is a perfectly good reason and yet I've never heard it out of the mouth of any user ever in the history of me knowing people who use! Addiction. Crack addicts make up elaborate excuses instead of just being honest with themselves and other people. Alcoholics lie about how much they've had to drink and avoid facing the problem. There has to be a dependency there that marijuana fills in peoples' lives, and that dependency is something they either don't want to admit or face about themselves and so they say some bullshit like, "It helps relieve the pain from that leg I messed up when I was skiing." Yeah, okay.

Cigarette smokers, on the other hand, are interesting because they know the health risks and everything else associated with it but when pressed for why they continue to smoke or bothered about it or confronted with yet another law restricting where they can smoke, it's always the same response: "I'm addicted. Fuck you."

I would love to hear that from a marijuana user. And a certain coworker's take on this, because he is the exception to all of the above.

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