just some thoughts

In category:Entertainment
Post by:Caniprokis

so i went out to drop off a movie for calliander that is almost a month over due, bittersweet motel very good film, if you like phish youll love this of course if you like ohish you already know about this. anyways this has little to do with what im thinking. i was listening to Guns and Roses in the car, Use Your Illusions 2 to be precise. anyways i was thiunking about how matt sorum wasent that good a drummer really he was kinda mediocre kinda like all of areosmith, anyways it got me to thinking about there first drummer also a matt, matt saddler i think, you know why he got kicked out, drugs. ill say that again. he got KICKED OUT of GUNS AND ROSES for doing to many DRUGS. dosent that sentance seem odd to anyone else. i mean how many drugs do you have to be doing to get kicked out of guns and roses? " listen man we gotta talk, slash stop puking for a second and come here, listen man your just to heavy into the shit man we gotta let you go" blank stares........"yeah ok" jesus christ i think that alone would make me go sober if axel rose and slash said i was doing to many drugs. anyways that all i really wanted to say later

948 out

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