Just Rantin'

In category:Journal
Post by:Calliander
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You know, Devlin, you need to stop going to band practice. And Al told me you were wrong about the outside credit, bastard. So suck my dick, cockface. Devlin likes the child porn, too. Hehe.

Okay, now why the fuck is it that I went to Toys 'R' Us on Thursday and purchased what is supposed to be a brand-new Sega Genesis Game Genie but ended up being a piece of crap? What the hell is this? Did Toys 'R' Us suddenly turn into FUNCOLAND? I mean, a few weeks ago, from a different Toys 'R' Us, I bought a Genesis 3 (my old Genesis died somehow) which was supposed to be new but it ended up being used, too! THE FUCKING THING DIDN'T EVEN COME WITH THE AV CABLE TO HOOK INTO THE TV! Christ! I can't even take the shit back for a new one because there aren't any new ones. They don't make the Genesis 3 anymore and I think Galoob (maker of the Game Genie) is out of business or something. Son of a bitch bastards. Hey Pappy, can you destroy them for me or something to that effect?

Why do people have to argue with me about Napster? I've made it blatantly clear that I don't find capitalism wrong, I've made it blatantly clear I'm a fucking hypocrite and I've made it MORE THAN blatantly clear that I know exactly why people are defending it. Yes, that's right - IT'S EASIER TO GET THE MP3's. Fuck that shit. If we live in a country where people who use Netscape and Linux can whine about how their software is inferior and sue Microsoft, then it's perfectly okay to go after Napster. I could defend Napster with the same bullshit my friends use, but you know what? I know it's wrong.

I was reading the Advocate today and right after my letter about Napster I saw this letter from some southern whore rebutting an article dissing the Confederate flag. In it, she gives the line: "Being proud of your heritage is not racism." You know what? IT IS, CUNT! Especially if that heritage was racist, too. I'm not proud of my heritage because I'm a human being, just like every other human being on this planet. Wow, I'm Italian. I don't care. Fuck race, fuck heritage, fuck religion - all that shit doesn't matter. The Confederate flag represents people who were inhuman and wanted to continue slavery, regardless of whether or not the Civil War was about slaves. Suck my bulbous meat helmet if you don't like it.


Thank you and goodnight.

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