Just Doesn't Feel...

In category:Journal
Post by:Kelwhore

Good morning all. Before I begin, I must apologize for this boring rant of complaints: I have been home now for a few days from school, done way much last-minute holiday shopping and decorating. There is snow where I am, which is nice b/c I am at least assured the traditional "WHITE CHRISTMAS." But, something seems to be missing...I don't feel all damn jolly! It just doesn't feel like the holiday season anymore. When I get home from school and there is like fiiiiive days until Christmas and snow on the ground, I just think it's the winter season and nothing more. What the HELL is wrong with me? Does anyone else feel this way? Or are all of you is merry moods for the holidays? My damn parents are all excited about Christmas, constantly trying to get my into the Christmas spirit by playing shitty Christmas tunes or reminding me that they "simply forgot" to put garland and lights on the ugly-ass tree - BAH HUMBUG! I have either grown-up and become extremely pessimistic or just no longer see the point in such superficial crap.

Now I was looking forward to coming home for some quality R&R, but apparently that won't be happening as my parents, somehow I forgot, are annoying freaks! They are loud when they wake up at the ass-crack of dawn to go to work and then they call to wake me up so I can begin my day at like 8am! What the hell is that all about, huh? I'll get up when I am damned ready to!!

Ok, well I am sorry that I just complained incessantly but sometimes it just has to be done. I'd rather bitch and moan on here than to certain people aloud. At least this way I can feel like I ranted to someone, even if no one actually reads and responds.

I am going to get back to my busy day now of shoveling the driveway, even though we have a fucking truck with a plow [ya, ya, I guess I am kind of a hick?!], and working. I hope you all enjoy the holiday season...I know I will! haha

Just a note: I am actually not in that bad of a mood, just had some shit to say, and now with that out, I feel better...

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