Just a Post About Hating People in Love...

In category:People
Post by:LioConvoy

Fuck you all.

Fuck you all in the ass with a spiny metal dildo.

That being said I'd like to say one thing... after years of not having a significant other and whining about it to no end... I've finally managed to be happy by myself. Now this is not a constant thing... I need to work at staying happy. But for the most part... I deal.

But that ain't always easy... especially when EVERY asshole you see is constantly rubbing in your face how in love they are. Now this explosion isn't necessarily aimed at Caniprokis (even though that is what set me off), no it's aimed at a society that says "NO, YOU MUST HAVE A GIRL/BOY FRIEND TO BE COMPLETE". It's everywhere... in every song put out... every movie ever made. It's the great American lie... "there's someone for everyone" FUCK YOU!!! We raise our poor little children with this fucking fairy tale that some day they will meet the right one, when the sad reality is that there are just some people who there is no one for.

Fuck love, and fuck everyone in love.

"Till All Are One"

LioConvoy out...

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