"It's the end of the world as we know it, and i feel fine"

In category:Misc
Post by:Caniprokis

so im sittin on the can, reading the latest edition of people magizine, and i get to the back where they have this kind of obituary for famous people who died this year. As im reading i start to think, all these people were icons in american culture and i dont think anyone is going to replace what they were. i feel like in america today we are facing a cultural decline, that perhaps what america is, is now was. we will never have what we once did, and thats means we are changing and i know we should change and i know that we are constantly changing but i think we are losing something right now that we will never get back and futher more i think that our standerds are droping a huge amount. we are headed torwds some kind of a socital breakdown and i think soon if the right minded people have there way american culture will become a mocking joke of itself and all we have stood for in the past. we musent forget our pride and to a certain extent we should never surender our hate. americans have become so concerned with everyone else that we have started to let down our guard. so not only have we left ourselves open for moral decline but also the decline of a strong and proud society. we shy away from the strong white male because we think that we somehow owe it to all these other people because thay have struggled sooo hard. fuck that, irish people came here and were confronted with the same hatred and bigotry that anyone else who came here was and where white. i think we need less whiny liberal assholes making excuses and more people willing to work hard to make an honest living. everyone wants a hand out fuck you get a job.

Man that was one crazy stream of thought, anyways merry christmas, happy honika, happy kwanza, killer dickledow (thats my new in place of chrismas holiday where we just sit and spit at each other while we open presents if one person can make up a holiday so can i)

948 out

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