It's raining outside. Really.

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

While on the freeway today, I managed to piss off the King-Of-All-Femme-Asians by speeding up just in time to prevent him from maneuvering his BMW 6-series convertible around the slower traffic. Like usual, the 101 traffic was somewhat thick. I was in the far left lane with several cars closely packed in front of me. The other lanes had the occasional gap, but a lot of the drivers were going well below 70mph. Now, going around corners, the inside lane generally appears to advance more because the cars have to travel less distance. Knowing this, it is easy to know what to expect when you have half a dozenn fairly tight curves up ahead. The number of times I saw this guy slam on brakes as he put him self behind someone going a good 25mph less than him (or myself). Anyway, it definitely made my drive a bit more fun.

I need to upload photos... I have several weeks worth of photos on my Vaio and I keep forgetting to upload them while at work (too slow to do from home).

I love the Disco Biscuits a lot... the worst part of this situation is that I am particularly fond of a jam they did more than four years ago that isn't actually part of a real song.

When changing the volume in OSX using the function key button, the machine makes a little noise like a weird droplet or something. Very annoying.

I was surprised to hear about O.D.B.'s death. I thought he died earlier this year.

Well, I'm tired. G'night.

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