It’s baaack.

In category:Insult
Post by:Pappy

Well, I am caving. is back and pointing to this site. When the server crashed a few years ago, and the database was lost, I had nearly completed a new version of the site and was too pissed off to release it. It's one of my few regrets. Part of the new code required the old database content, which really is rebuild-able using We did break the 5000 post mark before losing the server.

Anyway, I did create several revisions of the new site, and one of these days I will get to putting that code online cuz it's just fucking plain awesome shit. Those new features that I refused to talk about publicly still haven't been seen on the intarweb as far as I know. Perhaps in 2009 for insult's 10-year anniversary? Perhaps that's a deadline I can meet.

BTW, one important feature that the original Insult had made Insult more safe for work: Summary View. By default it showed just a line of each post with all of the images parsed out, but if you hacked the URL you could get it to load the entire site without images (not just a sentence). I have a list of good regular expressions if you want to parse out all of the god damn fucking swear words.

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