Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood

In category:Journal
Post by:Levres

Today was yet another beautiful day to be spent in the outdoors laying in the sun, taking in some rays, catching a fwe zzzs. It's another great day to be alive. It was a bit hotter than I like, but I'd take days like this past week over days in December at any chance.

So Wilson and I ventured off campus (took Pappy for a little hostage trip to Wally World and Wings) and then went to Puffer's Pond. Pappy didn't join us there...too much sucks. Anyhow, the pond and the whole area was fucking gorgeous. I had almost lost hope that places like that still existed. Relatively unharmed by people, nature going about its business. There was a waterfall. Oh, it was fantastic. The sound of the rushing water was almost hypnotic. The sight of it was practically breathtaking after living in Southwest which has reeked of horse shit for the past few weeks, this pond and waterfall with their fresh natural spring smell was so nice. Wilson and I stood on a bridge that crosses a little downstream of where the waterfall is. You stand on this bridge and look directly at the waterfall. The wind was blowing a light mist towards us, so refreshing. Its too bad that Pappy didn't make it, I think he would have liked it.

There were lots of college kids playing frisbee and just sitting around. A little too crowded for me, but not too bad. That was the public part, where there is sand and everthing. There were trails all around the pond and then on the other side there were a few kids. A girl I knew and some people I didn't. They were sitting around being all drunk and having fun. This is what life is about folks.

There was a path that went pretty much all around the pond and there were plenty of places to walk off the path and up into the woods and be doing whatever you wanted to be doing -- hitting mad blunts, having sex while getting pine needles lodged in your ass, whatever your thing is. Its just a great place for lots of great, pure things.

Live life, don't let it pass you by. You'll have plenty of time to be old and work. Be young while you can. I sound like a fucking commercial I know. Anyhow, it was a great day, the pond is a fantastic place. Have a good night. Go out. Do someone. Do something. Do anything!

1212 Out.

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