It Truly Saddens Me That This Passes For Entertainment...

In category:Television
Post by:LioConvoy

What up fuckers!  It's been pretty silent on this bitch for a while so I'd figured I'd open my giant fucking yap.  So, I'm talking to my fellow coworker the other night and he goes to me "Oh, dude!  Did you see Fear Factor last night?  They were eating stink beetles and cow eyeballs!"  At that point I had a saddening and depressing epiphany.  When did the general public become so brain dead that this horse crap is considered entertainment?!?

I personally blame this reality TV rage on "Who wants to be a Millionaire".  Now I know what you're saying:  "Lio, this wasn't reality TV".  No, but it proved to the networks that they could have a number 1 tv show with just the promise of shelling out a million bucks every so often (it may sound like a lot, but keep in mind that's what each of those Friends assholes gets for one episode, even that douche bag David Schwimmer).  No paying those costly writers, directors and people with actual talent.  Of course "Millionaire" spawned a number of bastard children.  My personal favorite was "Which One of You is the Biggest Gold Digging Whore"... I mean... "Who wants to marry a Millionaire."  However, the most culturally significant show that Millionaire spawned was Survivor.  This shitbag of a "show" proved that you could drop some camera equipment and a bunch of the most annoying people in the world on a desert island and still turn a profit.  After that... fuck... The flood gates for reality TV broke.  God, remember when TV had writers, and plots... and... and, meh... screw it.

While we're on the TV and the fucking albatross it has become, I was watching the boob toob tonight at 1 am, as I usually do because I'm pathetic, and I happened upon Sex 2k on MTV.  Now for those not in the know, this show showcases deviant lifestyles and displays them on MTV so that our children can be exposed to them and be tolerant of perverts that should be cured of their sickness by FIRE!!!  Any hoo... the topic of tonights episode was "Furries".  It turns out there are wacked out fuck jobs out there that get their jollies off by dressing up like giant stuffed animals and fucking eachother in the ass.  And, supposedly there is this huge internet community out their that gets off on erotic anthropomorhic cartoons and strives to be like them.  I'm sorry, but if you like to spend your time whacking off to Looney Toons with Genitalia, you should be dragged out into the town square, put into a pillary and have hot coals shoved up your ass.  And then get castrated.  I can't believe they are showing this shit on MTV (The average viewer is what 12?  13?) as a choice of sexual lifestyle.  I'm sorry people, but sometimes tolerance goes to far.  Sometimes you have to say, "You fucking deviant shitbag".

On that note I'd like to announce that I am running for pope and will be starting a new inquistion that will hunt down Furries and TV execs that cram This horse crap down our throats.  It's time to burn some heathens and heritics.  Hail to the king.

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