It Never Ends

In category:Education
Post by:Stone

was true huh? whatever, you don't know me and you are VERY IMMATURE. At least Lio Convoy can act like a mature adult, UNLIKE you. You are a petty like boy and I'm going to see to it that you have to take down what you wrote about me. Ever heard of slander? Think you can afford a lawsuit? We shall see. - e-mail received this morning

So, she's fucked in the head...and she's an idiot. Public schools ought to instate some sort of semester-long Tort law required curriculum, to be taught during middle school. Anyone ever have anyone tell them in middle school that they were going to be sued for slander? Middle school? I think a majority of people stop doing that after middle school, but, nonetheless, people ought to be instructed on what you can and can't sue people for.

One of the things you couldn't sue som...wait, gah, I've been overcome by the stupidity of this woman, I don't think I can go on.

Okay, here, how's this. Not only do I mean all of the stuff I said in that deleted post, but now I mean it WITH THREE TIMES AS MUCH SEVERITY! I'm really in trouble, now, if I couldn't afford a lawsuit before, how am I going to be able to afford a super-super-amazing-lawsuit now? Woe is me.

This is the first time Insult's actually deserved its name in a long time, eh?


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